Service Packs and Patch Installation
In this section:
- Patching
- Manage Patches Using the Management Center
- Manage Patches Using the Command Line
- Roll Back Service Packs
User Workspace Manager products can be patched using a Windows Installer patch. A patch is an MSP file that, when installed, updates files and registry keys on an existing installed product. Installing an MSP can reduce system downtime because reboots are not always required. User Workspace Manager product patching gives all of the usual benefits associated with Windows Installer Patching, including ease of deployment and the ability to roll back to an earlier version. Patches include the following:
- Public Hotfix - Issued publicly on to address a widely reported issue and should only be installed to address the specific problem. Public Hotfixes are cumulative in that they contain all previous hotfixes. Public Hotfixes are distributed as an MSP.
Service Pack - Contains all of the fixes from the last Private or Public Hotfix and any Service Packs, plus any fixes that have been found for which a Private or Public Hotfix was not issued. Service Packs are cumulative in that they contain all previous Service Packs. Service Packs are distributed as an MSP.
If a Service Pack is part of the product release media, the installer automatically installs them. Service Packs can also be installed or deployed using the same technology and techniques used when installing MSIs. Both Microsoft System Center and the Management Center can deploy MSPs. If neither of these products are available, service packs can be installed using the command line interface.
Installation Order and Dependencies
It is recommended that all components of a service pack are installed and that the PersonalizationServerXX.MSP is installed first. All other components have no required install order.
To view previously installed patches, navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Installed Updates.
Manage Patches with the Management Center
To install a patch using Management Center you must first upload the MSP and then assign it to a deployment group for deployment to the endpoints.

- Open the Management Console and in the navigation pane select Package Library.
Click the required product, for example Environment Manager.
The package library for the selected product displays in the work area.
From the Actions panel, select Add Package.
The Browse for Package dialog displays.
Locate the required MSP file and click Open.
If uploading a Service Pack the base MSI package must have been uploaded previously.
If uploading a Hotfix the base MSI package must have been uploaded. Additionally, if the Hotfix is applicable to a Service Pack, the Service Pack must also have been uploaded.The Package Upload wizard displays.
- Check the details of the selected package and optionally enter a description.
- Click Next to start the upload.
- When the upload has competed successfully, click Finish.
The MSP can now be seen in the package library.

In the Management Console, click Home. In the navigation pane, expand Deployment Groups, and then expand the group you want to deploy to and select Packages.
The Packages work area displays a list of User Workspace Manager products and the assigned packages.
Highlight the required product package and from the Actions panel select Change Agent Version.
A dialog to change the packages used by the group displays.
Select the required patch package. For example, 8.9 SP2 HF3.
The Management Center ensures that any dependencies for the selected patch are deployed to the endpoint.
Deployment Agent 8.6 may be required to support deployment for the selected patch, if this is the case a warning message displays at the top of the work area.
Click Finish.
The patch can now be seen in the Assigned Packages list.
Once all changes have been made, from the bottom of the work area, click Review and Submit.
The Submit Changes For [Group Name] dialog displays.
Review the changes to be made to the deployment groups and click Submit.
A warning may display informing you that changes to an agent can cause reboots at the times defined by the installation schedule. If the warning message displays, click Yes to assign the changes. Alternatively, click Submit to assign the changes.
The patch is deployed in accordance to the Deployment Group Installation Schedule.

To uninstall a Service Pack or Hotfix using the Management Center:
In the Management Console, click Home. In the navigation pane, expand Deployment Groups, and then expand the group you want to deploy to and select Packages.
The Packages work area displays a list of all the User Workspace Manager products and their associated packages.
Highlight the required Service Pack or Hotfix and click Change Agent Version from the Actions menu.
The Change the packages used by this group dialog displays.
- Select an alternative version and click Finish.
On the Assigned Packages work area click Review and Submit.
The Submit Changes dialog displays.
- Check the details are correct and click Submit.
The uninstallation takes place in-line with the Deployment Group Installation Schedule.
Manage Patches Using the Command Line
User Workspace Manager patches can be installed from the command line as well as from the Management Center.
It is recommended that logging is switched on when using the following commands. To enable Logging add /l*vx Patch.log
immediately after the /i
or /p
. For example: msiexec.exe /i Agent.msi /l*vx Patch.log

To install or upgrade an MSI:
msiexec.exe /i Agent.msi
To silently install or upgrade an MSI:
msiexec.exe /i Agent.msi /qn
To install an MSP:
msiexec.exe /p Agent.msp
To install an MSI and MSP in a single operation:
msiexec.exe /i Agent.msi PATCH=C:\FullPath\Agent.msp
msiexec.exe /p EnvironmentManagerAgent64.msp
Installs any files that have been amended as part of the patch for just Environment Manager 64-bit agent.
The following command installs the base version of the Environment Manager Agent (MSI) and the Environment Manager patch file (MSP) simultaneously:
msiexec.exe /i EnvironmentManagerAgent64.msi PATCH=c:\fullpath\EnvironmentManagerAgent64.msp
A base version must be installed before the patch file can be applied.
If the patch file contains driver or hook files that are currently in use on the machine the patch is being applied to, you are informed that a reboot is required. If you chose to continue, the system is restarted when the patch has been applied.

To uninstall an MSI and all associated MSP files:
msiexec.exe /x Agent.msi
To remove an MSP:
msiexec.exe /i Agent.msi MSIPATCHREMOVE=C:\FullPath\Agent.msp
Roll Back Service Packs
There are two ways to roll back, or uninstall, User Workspace Manager Service Packs:
- Using the Windows Control Panel
- Using Management Center
If a service pack is uninstalled, the installation reverts to the previous latest build, whether a service pack or base version. All agent and console service pack components except the Personalization Server component patch file (PersonalizationServerXX.msp) can be uninstalled

The procedure used to roll back service packs varies depending on the Operating System:
For Windows 7
Navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Installed Updates.
Highlight the selected patch and click Uninstall.

- In the Management Center console, select Home.
Expand Deployment Groups, highlight the Deployment Group and select Packages.
The Assigned Packages work area displays a list of all the User Workspace Manager products and their associated packages.
Highlight the required Service Pack or Hotfix and click Change Agent Version from the Actions menu.
The Change the packages used by this group dialog displays.
- Select an alternative version and click Finish.
On the Assigned Packages work area click Review and Submit.
The Submit Changes dialog displays.
- Check the details are correct and click Submit.
The uninstallation takes place in accordance with the Deployment Group Installation Schedule.